So Silv has been in 'brumination mode' since last Tuesday. On Tuesday I took off his light and heat and left him in the house for a day (got him down to about 65) and then about a day and a half later put him in the garage. The garage temp of his cage has ranged from about 47-57, aside from a small amount of time this morning when we left the garage door open and it got down to 40.

I checked on him this morning, picked him up to take a look (he rapidly curled himself around my fingers really tightly), and I noticed he smelled really weird. Before this I have never noticed ANY smell on him, let alone a really nasty smell. I don't really know how to describe it, except 'bad'... my first thought was "rotting" but I wonder how much of that is just because I was worried about the rotting leftover food that I have heard about before. I waiting for 2 weeks from the time I last even suspected that he ate (although it actually was probably more like 3 weeks, because I don't really think he ate at that two week mark, but he might have, so just in case I waited). About one week before brumination I put him in a little container with a worm, but the worm was still whole intact when I finally got him out so I really don't think he had eaten for at least two weeks before cooling him down.

So my question is... is this normal or is there a problem? I do not think it was any sort of musking, since there was no liquid. I also noticed that when he flicks his tongue it flicks very slow, but I attributed that to his general body cooldown and slower movements. However that smell has got me a little concerned. Please let me know what I should be doing for him - whether it is leaving him alone or taking some action.
