Today I had a couple of unexpected Ranch visitors. I had a new kitchen faucet on Craigslist and this couple came over to buy it. I walked outside to greet them and make the exchange.
As we talked I found out we had a few friends(neighbors) in common. I also mentioned that I raise garter snakes.
Once I mentioned that they asked too see the snakes.
I introduced them to most of my kids(snakes). They were amazed first by the variety of colors. Then they commented on the large size of the snake and finally they said they had no idea garter snakes could be tame and easy to hold.
My big girls were in rare form as they came right out to me and wanted to be held.
While in the big snake room this guy's wife said she wouldn't mind having a garter snake even though she not much of a snake person.
When they left they said they would be back to purchase a couple at a later date.
It's nice to see that they learned a lot about these wonderful snakes and want to become garter owners. I wish I had a larger audience to convert.