Picked up 3 new semifasciatus (chicago) females that will be bred by the green axanthic. One seems to be normal looking, one is lacking any yellow (classic axanthic look?), and one that is completely lacking any black pigment (hypomelanistic?), of course these are unproven traits. The one I am most excited to breed the green axanthic to is the hypomelanistic (3rd photo) because if you take away the black on the green axanthic in theory you would be left with a solid green snake, which would be really neat looking. The hypomelanistic is in my oppinion the most likely to prove to be a genetic trait, because if you look at her she is completely stripped of black and you can see the faint remnants where the black neck bars should be and in the right light you can barely see the checkerboard patter, it's really a super cool looking snake in person.
Normal female

Female lacking yellow (possible axanthic)

Hypomelanistic female

Pic of the green axanthic male that will breed the females above this spring if all goes well, he is the green colored snake in the pic of course