Gah! Why didn't anyone warn me that watching my snake hunt live fish was possibly the coolest thing ever?! Quite messy though, lots of splashing around. Once he's had a couple hours to digest I'll have to move him and clean his cage again.

I do have to ask, as an elegans snake he's supposed to want to eat other snakes, yes? What if the other garter were bigger than him though? Yes, this is the just one more thing going on, but... he's just so cool! They will be in a 29 gallon tank, with the floor space being a foot by two and a half feet. There will be plenty of climbing and hiding areas as well, so they'd both have plenty of room. Of course, if St. George actually is a male he might not want another male in his territory, and I don't want to breed. Is that something to worry about with garters?