Yesterday was feeding day for my babies and I figured it would go like any other feeding.....i was wrong!!

As soon as I opened the enclosure and gave a couple snakes a tiny piece of food they seemed to smell the food and they all started attacking each other....biting onto each others heads, tails and sides; and they weren't quick to let go, I had to take them apart.

This has never happened before...not even just between 2 snakes, let alone the whole bunch.

I removed all the snakes and fed them individually and gave them all some alone time before I gave them a bath and wiped them down before returning then back to their enclosure to remove any food sent.

These snakes are fed every 2 days on a mixed diet and are all very thick (as thick as one can expect a baby to be lol) and healthy looking. Since fall has hit here my adult snakes have stopped eating and my babies are eating like wild hogs.

Just thought I'd share this info with you all, your thoughts are very welcome!