It will be just one. Or, if he wasn't a snake eating type, two in the one tank. However, the 55 he's currently in is not going to be for snakes, but will be a saltwater tank once I'm finished moving. So only one or two snakes at any time. [Hmm.. Do you suppose if the other snake is a little bigger than him he wouldn't eat it? Maybe I could have just one more...]

I did find a branch yesterday that was simply perfect! Soaked it, and was baking it while I joined the site. It curls almost to the top of his to be 29 gallon, only a couple inches lower, so truly perfect. He also has an antler in there, just cause I think they look cool. He doesn't get any of my still life bones though. He can play with them while he's out, but I don't want to have to steal them from him every time I want to do a painting.

HAHA! Sory Tyrel. I believe that I have a photo of him as my profile pic, but I'll add another one here just for you!

The facebook album of St. George! My friend Montanna is the one who named him I'm afraid, so I can't take the credit on how amazingly perfect his name is.

Welcome to Facebook

For those without facebook I'll see if I can't get some photos of him up on Deviant Art. Just as soon as he has his photo shoot with my tower sculpture! We'll be making dragons out of him.