So, a few days ago I saw that there was going to be an expo nearby me, so I tricked the parents to take me. Wow there were a lot of snakes there! Though as I looked around, a majority of them were boas or pythons, which was NOT was I was looking for.

Eventually I managed to find a table that had some garter babies. They are such tiny little things! Now that I found what I wanted, I had to convince my parents (mostly my mother, she thought they were all poisonous!) to let me get some. At first they said one, but I convinced them to let me get two!

So, I picked up a tiny baby albino checkered garter, and a beautiful ghost cornsnake. Ill post pictures to them shortly. Supposedly the ghost is already eating pinky parts, and the albino is munching down guppies. A local petco/petsmart should have feeder guppies available right?

Anywho, it was a good day for me, and I am happy with my two new kids!