Well, today one of my crazy neighbours was about to kill a beutiful garter snake. I knew this, cuz it just happens to be that the neighbour's son knows me, and also knows i love snakes. Anyways, i went running to his house to find a beaten up snake. It's ok now, but thanks to the good beating that old lady gave to it, the snake puked yesterday's lunch (a small bird) as soon as i got it.

Now, I'm still undecided of what to do with the snake (it is reasonably bigger than the one i currently own). And i also don't know if it's a female and if it is gravid. Reason why i'm about to put some pics in here.

Note: Kinda felt bad to know that the reason of it's fatness was a bird (I wanted to see some babies).

Note#2: Is it fully grown? is it a female? and is it gravid?

Note to Admin: I couldn't edit the past topic, it said something about 30 mins passed the time after the post. Sorry for whatever problems i may have caused. (you can totally delete the post with the HUUUGEEE pics).