hey guys new to the forum... just a quick question... where do garters tend to hide when they escape?!

i have recently just upgraded my snake into a bigger viv with lovely new decor etc he was in there for less than 24 hours and now hes gone.. with out a trace. ive turned my room upside down looking for him but he is nowhere to be seen. he hasnt eaten for the past 3-4 weeks either so on top of worrying about that im now worrying where the heck he is!

this is the first time hes escaped (altho i have no idea how he has... as its a v secure viv).. but im also thinking coincidental as i have just had a new guy move into my house who is scared ****less of snakes........

now im not one to pass judgements but my snake is nowhere to be seen.. and im pretty sure he cant get under the door...

steph x