So, I understand that shedding is a natural part of a snake's life. I'm looking forward to my sweetie's first shed in my care, but- I thought their eyes were supposed to turn grey or dull or milky or- or something. I thought that was the sign that they are Supposed To Shed.

For a while, my baby was really anxious in her cage, and spent a lot of time pushing her head against the lid of the cage, trying to escape. I put some more cover in there at my mom's suggestion, and that seemed to help, but I think she hurt herself! I'm really concerned that I've done something horribly wrong, because she's got, like, a pushed back, dented looking scale on her head!!

And, as far as I can tell, her eyes aren't rheumy- and the scales closer down on her tale? They're starting to slough off! O_O Aren't they supposed to shed at the head? Aren't the eyes supposed to turn grey? Is my snake okay, or did I stress her out?! Does she have some weird scale infection that she's shedding before she's supposed to? AM I DOING SOMETHING HORRIBLY WRONG?

Anyway, here's pictures of her head injury ( ) and I got a sorta blurry one of the tail shedding- my camera wouldn't focus well on it. In my estimation, the scales beneath the shed-y scales look normal and fine... and she does feel sorta- crackly- when I handle her. Like her scales are loose. But I don't have a ton of snake experience.

Should I put some neosporin on her head?? I think it's just from her trying to lift the lid of the cage... I think... I know I haven't dropped anything on her, and when I could get her to hold still enough and looked at her in good lighting- it looked, like I said, like a scale had gotten scuffed back. I've just left her be, in hopes she'll stop trying to escape, and putting more cover in the cage really did seem to help, and I think whatever it is healing, but I feel really, really awful and I don't know if maybe this is something else entirely.