yesterday in the evening, i was out herping on an abandoned piece of land that has two communal dens, and while i only found two yealings and a gravid redbelly, when i was looking under a piece of flat rubber that is embedded into the ground which is also curled and forms a small tunnel under it connecting the two ends which are flat and protuding out of the ground. I usually find piles, but i went a little too early in the evening, but anyways, i lifted up the smaller end which is usally the escape route from the other end when i noticed a fairly recent snake shed and also...small birds feathers! i do know that small rodents have inhabited it before but have not seen them for a few years so i do not think it was rodents. I also saw coming out of where the hole is, there was a snake track that was obviously made by a snake, and no other animal. i will post pics when i go out herping there again later today