Well I'll be darned. I've seen this before but had forgotten about it so I wasn't expecting this. My hypoerythristic male (the only male in the big tank) apparently approves of this girl's new skin. He's all over her trying to mate with her. She's gravid for cryin' out loud. This is the first time this has happened with this particular group of snakes. She just shed and I assisted her. You can see that in the youtube thread. I thought this one deserved it's own thread.

The attraction should wear off in a day or so.

Any theories as to why this happens? What I mean is, what possible purpose can this serve in nature? The pair I kept for all those years did the same thing. An out of season one-day attraction after shedding never resulted in a lock though. Anyway, here's some video. It's getting dark and it's their bed time but you can still clearly see what is happening. I separated them for the night so they can both get some sleep. I'll go get him a cold bath