There's always a risk when group housing. I do it, I know of others that do it, but at the same time I would never recommend it unless the keeper can read his snakes well, and is willing to accept the risks. There aren't any guarantees. The risks are less with these snakes compared to some others (particularly snake eaters) but there's always that potential. Wanderings though being an exception with these guys that I'd likely not keep together, not that it matters in this case...
That said I also know of several longterm pioneer types in the kingsnake world (like Frank Retes for example) that have/had actually kept groups of kingsnakes together for decades. Without really knowing your stuff that's a quick way to downsize your collection to one big fat snake though lol.

Unless you purposely want babies I wouldn't mix sexes. I had a checkered have a litter without ever being brumated.