A few days ago my mom ran over a garter snake with the lawnmower, it survives and wasn't seriously injured. She has a small kink in her neck, though she seems to be okay. When my mom brought her to me she didn't move much and had some scales sticking up, along with the kink in her neck. I decided to keep her for a while and see if she'd be okay, she's been doing fine... Except today I've found that there is something that looks like mold growing on her spiked up scales. She's been drinking a lot of the water in the dish and she sat in the water on a hot day. other than that I don't think there's any humidity in there and she basks in the light I have over the tank. There's 2 other snakes in the tank with her... They leave her alone, except the female I have, she seems to keep my male away from her. My female will stay near her a lot of the day and she puffs up when my male comes near. The male stays away from both of them. Anyways, is there anything to help with the mold problem? I'll try to take a picture of it, but I don't know if it'll show. What else could it be?

Thanks for any information you can give me.