Something to remember here, Maritime garters (T.s.palidullus) and Eastern garters (T.s.sirtalis) are just subspecies.....not only that they are subspecies that regularily inhabit the same areas and more then likely do hybirdize in nature. I don't think this is anywhere near the crossing of the Redsided (T.s.parietalis) and was it a Checkered (T.marcianus) that was discussed earlier....where you're crossing species. I'm also not a fan of "forced" hybrids....meaning hybrids that would NOT happen in nature. A lot of the corn, king, milk, bull crosses that are going around these days does upset me some. We're basically creating "designer" snakes, making something that would never occur in nature. But then again we're not doing this to release them back into the wild, and they're just for the pet industry, so if there really harm in it. I mean years ago, when albino burmese pythons were being first bred, many were born with out eyes (this was carried along with the recessive gene for albinism), but eventually this was bred out of them and now it's nothing to see an albino burm. I think it just comes down to personal choice and how we see the animals. Some see them as great creatures, no different then a cat or dog and want to try and see what they can do with make them prettier or bigger or whatever....others, like myself, prefer to think of them as a bit of nature that I have to share my life with. In the end it's not so much right or wrong, it's more about personal choice. So there's my two cents....spend it wisely.
