I too have thought of advertising for garter removal but as you said after a point where do you put the snakes...Im sure you would have no problem with me sending you a few of these nice maritime garters tho lol

have you considered just having an open house kinda thing? try to educate the kids in your area. it may be too late to change some old ways of thinking but if you can reach the kids they can scream and yell and cause all kinds of trouble for their parents if they knew they were hurting an animal they shouldn't. My dad wouldn't even kill a mouse around me as a kid cause he knew how much trouble id make for him about it lol
(if you already do this and i am unaware of it, forget what i said lol)

people do the cruel things they do mostly out of fear and lack of understanding, replace these things with appreciation and information and then you can truly make a difference.