Thanks to Mr. Joe Peck a very special box arrived yesterday. I've been feeling much better, I can move around some now and was able to change some water bowls, and I even dragged a chair and table into my snakeroom so that I could sit comfortably and feed my younger garters. The only issue I ran into was that one of my natrix tesselata made a magical flying leap and managed to make the trash can. Meaning I had to dig through a 50 gallon trash barrel (it wasnt very full thankfully) to find one little snake... who of course made his way to the bottom of it. boy was I MAD! I also stepped out onto the front porch to take these photos of the snakes! It's very hot and sunny here... so last evening was good for picture taking as the sun was going down. The three new babies each ate a whole pinky head (cut in halves) and two worm pieces immediately. They are so calm too, perfect little angel snakes!

male Flame... because I am low male:

male Snow (dirty snow, that is)
you know these guys have the creepiest eyes... black pupils with a glowing red iris. He looks so sinister... I still think these things are pretty ugly, but he's got great potential as far as breeding goes and he's growing on me more and more!