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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Country: United States

    Re: Richard's new enclosure project

    Quote Originally Posted by Mommy2many View Post
    I like the moss but what about buggies? Do you get those with the moss? Anytime I use natural plants, I always seem to end up with these little white bugs. Another reason to "bake/microwave" my wood.

    I've never had a problem with the moss dead or alive. It's attractive and useful either way. Neither the moss nor the fern require soil so that helps. The moss just needs a rock or wood to grow on and the ferns attach their rhizome to any rock or wood that has moss growing on it, and get's it's nutrients from the air. I've never SEEN any bugs and I've been keeping it indoors and out for quite some time now.

    That log won't fit into a microwave or oven that I own. It's 4 feet long. It is natural heavy hardwood from outside but has been well weathered by water, deposited on land, then bleached in the sun for years before I picked it up. (Driftwood) I never have a problem with sun bleached driftwood. As long as there is no rot to speak of, no bugs either. I sanded the surface thoroughly to remove some slight signs of past fungus growth.

    Sometimes if you use soil you'll get little white bugs that look almost like fleas. They might be annoying, but they are harmless. White flies on the other hand, get out of control indoors and damage plants by sucking their juices.

    The plants I plan to add later are rooted in rockwool so no soil anywhere in the enclosure. I will be watching very closely for problems though.

    I've had very good luck propogating and growing those air ferns and various mosses on wood or rocks up against my house on the north facing side. (shaded all day) If anyone is interested in giving some a try, I might be willing to send you some. It really is good stuff. If the moss dies, it's still attractive and useful. No problems so far, even indoors.
    Last edited by ConcinusMan; 05-18-2010 at 02:43 PM.

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