Hello! I joined this forum a couple days ago, and I've been lurking. I joined mainly to do research about garter snakes, because I'm interested in getting one sometime later this year.

Anyway, first things first, a couple questions. ;P

I heard that slugs are high in calcium and the like. Is this true? And if it is, is there enough calcium and the like to be able to avoid adding vitamin powder and stuff on his food? Or would I still need that? (Since I'm not planning on feeding live fish on a regular basis.)

What, in your opinions, is the best substrate for someone new to snakes? In regards to the easiest to clean/safest/cheapest.

Oh, and how sociable are garters? I know it depends on the snake, but as a whole, would you say they're the more aloof sort, or sociable?

Also, I live in Southern Cali, and I've noticed it's EXTREMELY difficult to find a garter snake because of all our stupid laws (I went to 5 different reptile stores in the area. Nada.) I've been thinking about buying one from either Scott or Dan or Jeff (I've been stalking you guys. :P), but since I'm so far away, shipping is really expensive. More then the actual snakes I'm interested in, actually. Anyone know anyone closer to me?

Oh, I read that a garter snake enclosure shouldn't get above 80. In the summer here, room temp can easily get above that, especially if my parents are trying to save on the electric bill. Should I worry about it, or do you think it'll be fine? I mean, if it gets above 85 or so in the house my parents turn on the AC, but I was wondering if even that was too hot. (Summer last year got up to 115 degrees F outside.... see what I mean about room temp easily getting above 80? D: )

So, now that my main questions are out of the way, a little about me;
I'm a 15 year old girl who is just ending my Freshman year in highschool. This will be my first snake ever, and my second pet. (My first being a hamster.... when I was 7.) I've been kinda hesitant in getting one, since I know they live a long time, and I'm not sure how responsible I'll end up being, so I decided to research my heart out (When in doubt, do research. A motto I live by.). Yeah, so I live in a suburb in extremely Southern Cali (Around an hour north of San Diego). Anyway, nice to meet you!