After waking up the snakes down stairs I was checking on my female group of T.s.parietalis(Red Sided Garter snake). It was then I noticed one of my smaller females had what appeared to be a blockage just above he cloaca. It was very hard and I immediately call the Vet. It was one of those come now appointment times. I also took another snake I wanted advice on.
Once at the Vet. it was decided a mineral oil enema would be the course of treatment. He left with the snake but returned a few moments later. He said the the blockage was too hard and that he didn't want to force anything for fear of damaging her. He felt the only things that could be done was to leave it alone, in which case he felt she would died or do surgery to remove it. I opted for the surgery which should be happening about now. I'll post results as soon as I know anything. She'll spend the weekend at the Vet's office.

The other snake I took in was one of my large rescued T.radix(Plains Garter snake) females from last year. Her name is River. I removed her from a yard where it was a "leave or die" thing. She was under weight and at first I thought she was a very large male. She has thrived on the Ranch but I've noticed as she's put weight on it seems to be only in the bottom 2/3rds of her body. A couple months ago I had her x-rayed. It was possible that she was gravid so nothing was done. Now, 2 months later things are the same. She feels blotted. She active, eating well and in all other areas a normal radix. My concern is that this is some kind of infection that will eventually take her life. He also doesn't think she is gravid and recommended a course of antibiotics.
She's been place on Albon everyday.
Here's a couple photos of my girl River. She has the biggest set of eyes I've every seen on a radix. I hope and pray she comes through this OK.