Hi All,
My name is Mark Leppin, I'm from the Pacific Northwest, and I mainly herp for garters but do get some from time to time. Like a lot of us, I started out catching garters (or for some nerodia, or natrix) and keeping a few as pets. I've mainly made my way into keeping exotics like boas and pythons mainly. I do currently have (other than boids); Namibian House Snake (L. mentalis), East African Egg-eaters (D. medici), Sonoran Gopher Snakes (P. c. affinis), Black Pine Snakes (P. melanoleucas), Brown Water Snake (N. taxispilota), Northwestern Garter Snake (T. ordinoides).
Boids wise: lot of; Carpet Pythons (coastal + jungle), Children's Pythons, Spotted Pythons, yellow anacondas, amazon tree boas, colombian rainbow boas, rubber boas.
But that's about all the slithery legless pets.