Last night I fed my sguiggles some nightcrawlers. It was late and I sat down a little because no one had come out to the food dish yet. After about 10 minutes I went to check to see if they had come out to eat. I noticed a food fight going on between to similar sized siblings. When I pulled the two snakes out, the smaller of the two was about 1/3rd of the way swallowed by the other. I yelled for my husband to help me, rushed over to the kitchen sink with the twon and started running cold water over them (didn't know what else to do because they were definitely not letting go of each other)

After a minute or two (which seemed like forever) I got the smaller snake out of the bigger snake. He came out gasping for air, turned around and latched onto my thumb. We noticed blood coming out of the other one's mouth. He must have been biting the bigger one on the inside to get him to let go. Finally the smaller one calmed and started moving up my arm. It took longer for the "eater" to recover. We put both back into the tank and they went their separate ways. I'm hoping I didn't "drown" the bigger one with the water. He looked worse for wear. I'm gonna have to do a head count today & make sure everyone is OK.

That was scary & it was a good thing I happened to get up & check on them when I did.