Quote Originally Posted by BUSHSNAKE View Post
the anerythristic and axathic morphs in this hobby of ours are true to the name(anery boa, axanthic bullsnake,anery hondo milk,axanthic hognose,axanthic brooks king and as far as the anery plains garters go they are melanistic and they act axanthic when bred to an albino CUZZZ it takes away the YELLOW
I don't think you explained that very clearly. I understand what you are saying but I disagree with you on the fact that the hobby is always true to the name. I will give you two examples of when it is not true to the name, anery kenyan sand boas, and corn snakes. Both of which do have natural yellows throughout the body which do not always express themselves in the anerythristic specimens.

An anerythristic plains always acts axanthic, not only when it is bred to an albino (I guess since we are going technical we should say amelanistic).

How would you best describe the names melanistic, anerythristic, and axanthic in the plains morphs as they are now identified?
