hey guys i finally found 1!
i was thinking theyd be out mid may to early june so i decided yesterday that today i would go looking for them. well today it was freezing cold out so i was bummed because i knew(or thought i did!) that they wouldn't be out today.

so i went with a friend to my scrt garter spot and we find nothing.. about to pack up and go home my fgriend saw something moving under a blanket thing that covers some rocks there

we lift it up and whoah! a 3 ft garter is there i caught it just for fun to hold it for a while when something caught my eye-a little 18 incher that i thought was a baby from last year.

i picked it up and a piece of its tale was missing but i was thinking of keeping it because it was still a baby only from last year, well it musked me so i went to wash my hands off in the river and told my friend to keep looking for them.

couple mins later hes like "MIKE GET OVER HERE!" and i come running up and look- i saw nothing, but sure enough there was the tinniest garter i have ever seen!

i named him Nano, because i'm a badminton fan and i have a Nanospeed 7700 racket =p

i uploaded the pics to my computer now i need to figure out how to post them!

im so happy!!!!