I thought I would introduce a very unique radix. Not unique in appearance, although she is beautiful but unique in attitude.
Here's how this big girl and I met.
During the Summer I was out mowing the grass with my Honda(yes, that's where she got her name). I had it on slow speed and was watching for any radixes or other snakes. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a large(gravid) female heading right for the mower. Just as she was about to go under the deck I shut the mower down and flipped it over as a precaution. She just looked up at me and stayed still. I reached down and picked her up. She was completely calm and relaxed. Acted like one of my adults that I raised from a baby. I sat down on the grass and checked her out for any injuries or other problems. She didn't mind being bent and inspected. I was amazed at how calm she was. I knew I had something special so I took her in the house. Two days later she gave birth to a group of beautiful little scrubs. Her and her babies are still here on the Ranch. The babies will be released this Spring back into the yard.
As for Honda, she will be staying inside. I have never had a wild caught snake like her. She follows my every move in the snake room and rides in the hood of my sweatshirt as I'm doing chores. As I type this she's giving me that "I'd like to get out" look. I'm very glad she came out to greet me and hope she'll live a long time here at the Ranch.