We had another baby die last night.

Three of the remaining four babies ate a guppy last night (cheer) but I'm going to try wiggling the guppy in the face of the last snake this morning in hopes it will eat. I'm also going to head to the pet store and buy more worms and maybe even go to the grocery store and get some trout to cut up.

Last time I tried worms they wouldn't even look at them. I think they thought they were pets. I had found some really skinny night crawlers in my front flower bed and put them in with them. The previous time I had cut up night crawlers and they wouldn't look at them let alone eat them. They seem to be really picky.

I've also noticed that they don't seem to have very good eye sight. When they're going after their guppies they don't seem to really see them that well. They'll strike at places the fish aren't even in and haven't been in. Weird.

Are there liquid vitamins I could give them or something?