Tonight, Lucky and Red went into the fridge. I don't like doing it but it's what they want. In many aspects of their lives they do know what's best.
The fridge is at 42 degrees. In a small container they get a soft cloth and a water dish. Lucky went in at 133 grams and Red at 80 grams. They will get weight checks every 2 weeks, unless I see a big drop. Then it's once a week. I will watch the weights closely. I used 20% weight loss as a signal it's time to pull them out.
I use 20% on snakes that have been on the Ranch for at least a year. For newcomers I use 15% loss. The difference is my regulars carry more body weight and I feel can afford to lose more. None of my numbers are scientific. I just try to judge visual body conditions when they come out and the conditions and weight of snake that I catch in the Spring.
My daughter Gabby was in tears as she put Lucky in the container. She'll have a hard time sleeping tonight and for a few weeks to come.
Have a good sleep girls.