I jusk came back with my Atratus,Most of theme will shed soon ,so I just took quick pictures ...I release most of my flame babies and if its work well probably all my little flame will go right there ,just keep the best one .

I fall in love with my little atratus ,their head look like water snake!!I keep their mother for a while so this is my reward for this.
I will not talk about my main source anymore and probably I stop talk about my snakes just other one .Sometime giving you small update.If anyone wants to send me message in private Its ok.
All i can say is my eyes hurts and I think I will not sleep tonight from what I saw today,Everything is possible in the thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis world keep that in you mind.
Time for me to shut up !and stop posting pictures ...After few days I will ask to delete this post again!!!!