I didn't know where else to put this, but since it is sort of an enclosure, I figured here would be best.

I'm in the process of building a snake trap. There are more snakes around that back fence, and I know my neighbors don't want them there, so I'm taking drastic measures to help remove them.

Here's the materials:

1. A 2-liter plastic Coke bottle.

2. Some flange rings I picked up at the hardware store, along with nuts and bolts to hold them in place.

3. A large plastic tub.

4. Some nylon screen.

Here's the plan:

1. Cut the bottom off Coke bottle to form a make-shift funnel. Cut some flaps down the side of the funnel (about 2 inches) so there's room to hold it in place.

2. Cut a hole in the plastic tub to accommodate the funnel.

3. Attach the flange rings to either side of the hole, with the funnel held securely in place by the flaps.

4. Cut a big hole in the lid.

5. Put screen over the top of the box, and put the lid on top to hold it in place.

Once completed, I will put nightcrawlers in a bowl inside the box, along with some mulch, bamboo (for makeshift hides) and a bowl for water. It will go along the back fence, where I keep seeing the snakes, and I will check it twice a day: once in the morning, and again in the afternoon, when it will likely need to be moved into the shade.

Construction has started, but a minor technical difficulty has caused delays (my drill ran out of juice).