They are all eating like little piggies! I ended up keeping 14, the kinked baby didn't make it though. I love them all, they are so cute and almost what I'd call social, for a snake. I'm used to keeping Boids which hide all day. These little guys come out of hiding when I open their tub (for food, of course, but shhhhh).

Anyway, I just thought I'd post new pictures of the little hogs! They haven't shed yet and as soon as they do, I'll separate them and give them names. I hate naming babies and then losing them. It always gets me too attached.

They are all so different. Five of them are holding the Blue/Green and two have developed really bright orange on their sides. There are also two that are pink tinged. I can't wait for them to shed, I'm hoping they hold some of those colors.

Here they are! Thanks for looking!