We were all out in the yard on Sunday, I was hunting earthworms for my crew and my husband was mowing the lawn, the kids were doing who knows what... My seven year old daughter caught her first snake, a garter about 16 inches. Of course the first thing the snake did was to bite her on the hand. Then she dropped it and the hunt was on! I did end up catching the poor thing (notice how I'm showing sympathy towards the snake???)

Well, all in all, my daughter is absolutely fine and our snake Stewie and our brown snake have a new pal.

Also, as a side note, about a month ago I was napping and my four year old told me after the fact that he tried to hold Stewie. I immediately checked the vivarium to make sure everybody was still accounted for and weights were back in place (which they were, sneaky kid). Connor said that Stewie had bit him when he was holding her so he put her back. Just goes to show you...

To play Devil's Advocate, What do you think the snakes would catch from the kids???