Hello All!
I have two little guys of the common garter variety there are slightly diffent from each other one is about 12 inches and has a yellowish tint to her sides and the other is about 2 feet and has more blue to it's sides both have the usual yellow stripes. They both eat well on earthworms and cut up night crawlers. I have tried small guppies once or twice but no takers but will try again now that they more aclimated to the enclosure. I dip the ends of the worms calcium with vit d once a week. I don't handle them too often as they are quite qiuck and wiggly but calm down after a minute or so. They are quite friendly and have never bit me. They are so cute and curious as they poke their heads up through the bedding to check things out. I guess they are more of a watch than handle snakes. I enjoy them quite a bit