Quote Originally Posted by guidofatherof5 View Post
While I was out Herping yesterday I came across a field mouse. I was able to catch it and kill it. The whole time I thought my Speckle or JW (my two biggest girl) would love to have a full grown mouse. On the way home I knew I was going to freeze it for a couple of months just to make sure parasites weren't an issue. At one point it hit me, I had no idea what this rodent had be eating or what other problems could occur with feeding it to my snakes. Out the window it went. Better safe than sorry. I have a very difficult time losing any of mine. I don't want it to happen because of something I did or didn't do. Safe foods all the way here at the T.r adix Ranch
Yeah, that's a major reason why I don't want to use wild rodents. They will chew and swallow just about anything.