Hello, I am new here. We are always catching and releasing snakes here at our little farm. I take them to the schools and do a show and tell for my children's classes. after identifying and show and telling we release. Just yesterday we found a beautiful long sleek black racer in our neighbors rock wall, upon inspection we could tell she had been laying eggs, (cloeca (sp) was open. We lifted the rocks to find 21 black racer eggs. Soooo long story short I am here to figure out how to incubate and hatch the eggs. My neighbor HATES snakes and wanted them destroyed. I couldn't imagine destroying harmless snake eggs.. sooo I rescued them, put them on moist paper towels in a rubbermaid container, outside where it is warmer, but I have never done this myself, as I had never handled a snake until last year, when I finally got brave enough to start holding the baby snakes we found.

I am off to search for more info.
