I wouldn't blame you if you called me a lier, heck I can hardly believe this myself.

For the last 6 months I have been sleeping in the radixes nusery to keep an eye on the young ones. You know, taking care of bad dreams, getting drinks of water, bathroom runs. All the normal stuff.
Up until a month ago I was sleeping on a foldout camping cot and then can the 6 foot display case. Now there's no room for the cot and I've been sleeping on a self-inflating matt. At 6:04 I was sound asleep dreaming about catching radixes. In the dream, I was lying on the ground reaching in a log for a snake. I felt the snake crawling through my hand and I grabbed it. This is when I woke up and realized I had a snake in my hand. An unknown female radixes that had gotten into the house was in my hand. At first I thought and hoped it was my boy scar. He is the only missing snake at this time. I put my glasses on to see if the boy had come home only to find this new female. She didn't musk me or make a lot of effort to get away.
I've heard of Herping in your sleep before but this is something else. She'll be stayng with us as she is a gorgous dark phase with a knockout orange dorsal. I've got a male here that I haven't posted about yet. He's the blackest radix I've ever seen. Those to together should make for some beautiful babies.

Now, they're volunteering to be caught.
It can't get any better than this!