The first thing to do is set up an account with Fedex and try to find out who your rep is! I have heard this can be the most difficult part and to be honest I didn't bother to try and find out who it was!

The next step is to prepare a "test box" to send to the test packaging department. Fill out the form below.

The test box should be lined with Styrofoam panels. The deli cup needs to have the lid taped on. The box also must be labeled live harmless reptiles. I have a pdf file with the instructions but it is too large to load here.

Send that box inside of an outerbox along with the application to fed ex. They will pay for this and ship the box back to you . They will also forward a copy of the test results to your fed ex rep. You then need to get in touch with them to get the legal paperwork.

You are basically signing away your rights to claim losses or a refund if they are late with the shipment. You also agree that you are shipping business to business. Most people say that they are shipping to home businesses.

I have sent back my paperwork and am just waiting for my rep to get back to me with the final "You are fed ex certified'.

If this is clear as mud there are at least 2 other forms that I know of with threads on how to get certified. I didn't think it would be right to post a link to other reptile sites but if you want the info let me know.
