Hello to the Thamnophis community,

I am olddeej and I am a 51 year old female. You promise you won't bite, but you may after you know why I registered.

I recently bought my Mother's home. I knew there were garter snakes for a number of years, but I thought on an occasional basis. This summer I saw two racing to get away from me in the yard not far from the neighbor's plants, a shedded skin, and the tail of one going into a deteriorated cement block. Two times this past week when picking up after my dog, I have seen three dark gray snakes with pale yellow stripes, all approx. 12-15 inches long. One was stretched out in the grass, head raised, red tongue out, one five minutes later ( may have been same one) slithering away from me and into a hole in the yard, and one this A.M. partially in a hole that went completely in the hole when I touched it with my handy pooper scooper. I know you are snake lovers, and God bless you all, but this is freaking me out! I am used to looking down to avoid piles of poop (no doubt gross to some of you), but not to avoid stepping on a snake. I would like to know if there is a way to safely keep them out of my yard, and also to learn more about them, as I don't think I realized they used holes in the ground. Do they have a system of holes? I did not run in to any when picking up the yard this summer, not in the back of the yard especially. We keep it mowed short, we have raked the leaves, there are virtually no plants back there, although there are trees and a lilac bush.

Sorry this is so long, but I need advice from experts and, after checking out other web sites, thought you might be the people I needed to consult with. Will appreciate any info you can give me.