I was in the nursery tonight setting up that display case for one of my juv. female groups. When I looked over at my largest group of juv. females, I saw these poor pathetic eyes looking at me. It was obvious to me that this large girl was starving to death, right before my eyes. She hadn't been feed in the last, almost 48 hours and looked emaciated. I scooped the almost lifeless radix up, grabbed a flashlite and headed out the back door. With her resting on one arm, the small LED flashlite on my mouth(keeping my catching hand free) I proceeded to catch 5 large nightcrawlers. As fast as I could catch them she ate them. You would think this would be a perfect opportunity to get away. Not my radixes. They just sit and observe.
Carrying her back the the house I knew she would survive because of her very distended belly. Once in the nursery, I gently place her in her home, avoiding any sharp objects.
After 3 more trips out with more of my girls I called the whole thing off. Time for Dad to get some sleep. I realized that if I did this for everyone of them I wouldn't be done until next Tuesday.

Boy, do these radixes have me well trained. They amaze me with how content they are with my family. They do recognize people. If a friend comes over and enters one of the snake rooms they all react and head for the hides. They don't do that when the kids or I enter the room. Crazy radi!