Hi, im nick from northern minnesota and well many many years ago in a galaxy far far away, in northern minnesota, there were once the beautiful smooth green snakes here, but unfortunately in northern minnesota they are basically extinct at least in the north eastern part, and recently, in the last summer, i took an adventurous trip to various parts of southern minnesota for the very purpose of finding one of these specimens, but came out short. I asked around when i was in the southern parts where there are records of them being there but the only clue i could get out of anyone was that a farmer at a farmers market told me that the other day he came accross 3 or 4 smooth green snakes underneath a heybale and he said he killed them, and i was devastated. So, my question, to everyone out there, is that I WILL PAY AN ARM AND A LEG if it means getting one of these snakes, ok, i mean please someone, just catch one, where it isnt illegal, and i will pay whatever price, as long as its not like 2 arms, and 2 legs because then i would be a quadriped, lol so please i would really extremly and radically appreciate it please thanks