Quote Originally Posted by k2l3d4 View Post
Would I get more albinos or would the babies come out green?
Provided your female is not heterozygous (carrying) the albino gene, all the babies will come out as normals, they will look much like their mother... green, tan or yellowish brown with black checkers. The albino checkered is very, very common in today's trade, and hets are everywhere. It would not surprise me at ALL if you female ended up being a het, and had some albino's too. Whatever the case, you'll soon find out!

There's really no need to separate them just yet, not until she starts looking really fat and close to giving birth. When she's closer to laying, and she goes into shed, that's a good time to separate. But don't move her, move him instead, because you want to put as little stress on a gravid female as possible. Stress can cause them to lose their babies.