Quote Originally Posted by Volksdragon View Post
Somewhat related to this topic, I just found out that it's Illegal for pet stores in Ohio to sell Garter Snakes, as they're a native species and it's apparently illegal to sell a native species in Ohio. Don't know what other states this is true for.
Not quite... it is more complicated than that.

1. You (or a pet store) may not sell a WC native in Ohio. "Native" is defined by a list provided by DNR.

2. You may posess for breeding, FOUR natives in Ohio... WITH a license. Current license fee is $45 and allows DNR inspection upon demand. The license also requires that you keep the official DNR provided record book, which records all acquisitions, sales, deaths, escapes, other losses, addresses and names of all buyers. This book may be inspected by DNR on demand.

I happen to know that PETCO has purchased a license for all of their stores in the state. I assume the central office must be keeping the record book. I also suspect Jack's Aquarium has done the same, based on talks with one manager.

3. You may posess for a pet, ONE native in Ohio... WITH a license. Current pet license fee is $10. I am unclear about inspection.

4. You may sell CB (captive BRED, not captive BORN) natives in Ohio... with the same license in #2 above.

5. You may posess an unlimited number of CB natives in Ohio with the breeding license in #2 above.

6. Captive Born reptiles are not covered in the language of the regulation.

Here is the website with ALL of the particulars:

Ohio's Reptiles: Lizards, Snakes & Turtles

All in all, it is not a totally bad law... but... their definition of "native" is rather annoying and overbearing, IMHO.