Been looking around for awhile trying to slither my way into the forum and intro. I mainly keep and breed T.radix and T.sirtalis parietalis, and a few T.sirtalis sirtalis. Plains and red-sideds and I go way back to my small childhood, because they are native to my area and will always be my favorite snakes. Breeding has been going crazy the last few weeks, hoping to mainly produce snows and albinos and possibly a few other surprises this spring. I also keep some corns and balls, box turtles, 3-striped muds, and diamondback terrapins. Box turtles have also been a long time favorite. Been lurking here for awhile reading and trying to figure out the layout, it takes a little longer to figure things out after you turn 40 apparently.
The thing that has always impressed me about this forum is it's worldliness and the respectful dialog. People don't always agree on every subject, but as long as we can have civil discussions and be respectful of others differing oppinions, ways of doing things, and ideas, that is how we continue to learn and grow, right? I am looking forward to learning new things here with an open mind about garters and the rest of the garter world, this is; learning about both the snakes and the people around the world that keep them.
Please wish me luck with my breeding projects, and best of luck to all of you, weather you are breeding or enjoying keeping a pet/friend, or a few pets/friends.