In 2009 I just plan to have a litter of het albino Eastern Garters (thanks to Scott) and some of whatever produces from the Eastern Pied if successfull (thanks to Scott again my job is only to sit and wait)

But this is what I have planed for next year, should be really fun and hopefully successfull year.

These are based on snakes I allready own:
Eastern Blacknecks: I have 1.2 of these could have two litters
Checkered Garters (Het for albino & granite): I have 2.2 of these so hope for lots of babies!
Wandering Garters: Maybe not sure If I am going to keep them. Anyone interested in a nice healthy pair? Don I sexed again and ended up having a pair

Snakes I hope to breed if 2009 litters are successfull:
08 het pied eastern female to 09 het eastern pied male
Some Normal /66% het Eastern (albino) Garters (I think).

Off Topic I want to try to breed my Beardies and Pythons to