I'm about to undertake my first ever snake rescue/ assist feed.
And I'm terrified.
One of Chili's babies, the one my son's friend adopted, is not eating, and has apparently gone without any food for many weeks. I've recently been made aware of just how serious the problem has become, and I've decided to take the snake back and attempt to save it's poor little life.
As far as I know, the snake is still drinking water, and active, but until I see her for myself, I have no idea if she's lost a lot of weight, or not. She is one of the babies with a birth defect (scoliosis, maybe?). I don't know if the food issue is a direct result of the condition, or just a phase, since my Sweetpea has the same spinal kinks, and eats fine.
I've read and reread all the posts and caresheets on force/assist feeding, but I'm still kind of freaked out, so if anyone has any other suggestions to make me relax (yeah, right) I'd greatly appreciate it.
She'll be here in a couple of hours.............