they are two adult pairs
I did see one of the males doing something that looked very much like he was biting the other guy's leg, so I separated them into two pairs
I'm assuming the females will be fine
what kind of temps do they need?
I gave them dried up grape vines and leaves
still cruising the web for more info, but I'm kind of busy with other stuff too
these came completely unexpectedly
rhea "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain
Also... Find out somehow if they're legal to keep...
The person I recommended had his house searched due to "suspicion of illegal possession of imported mantids/phasmids."
0.1 Storeria dekayi
Hoping to get some T. s. sirtalis High-Reds next summer!
Also... Find out somehow if they're legal to keep...
The person I recommended had his house searched due to "suspicion of illegal possession of imported mantids/phasmids."
they must be legal
they were selling them at the expo
just never thought someone would give me giant bugs - how sweet
he must really like me
oh - thanks for the link, Kyle
rhea "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain
I'm not really a bug fan... never really saw the attraction of stick insects, but if it's useful to anyone, here's an anecdote....
When I was about 10 years old I acquired a group of stick insects from the biology lab at school. I soon became bored (as 10 year olds do) so I decided to find out how stick insects react to alcohol...... I injected pure (as pure as you can get) ethanol into the anus of one large specimen.... quite a large dose too!
The results? The bug hung motionless from a twig, hanging by one foot, for several days. It then recovered completely, showing no long term adverse effects.
I can't remember if it ever sang 'Auld Lang Sine'.