Hey guys this is my first time posting here but I have been lurking for a while now. I am from south Florida and spend a lot of time herping and have always loved garter snakes since that was my first pet snake as a child. Long story short when I came across a massive blue garter that was visibly gravid almost two months ago I couldn't resist taking her in until she dropped her babies. Two days ago i woke up to find 44 adorable little worms in there with two still borns. So far I have them set up in 4 groups of 11 and about 2/3 of them have already taken night crawlers cut into pieces dusted with a little reptiles calcium, I have them on Paper towel for substrate so I can make sure they don't become impacted and watch there poop for irregularities. Is there anything I'm forgetting or doing wrong ? Any replies or feedback will be appreciated ! Also I'd like to post pics but don't know how