"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Axanthic "blue" plains female
First off let me just say that I swear to God there was no photo shop editing to this photo, because it does look rediculously blue. This shot was taken today on a black table in front of outside window so natural light was coming in reflecting off the snow, which is why she looks like she is glowing blue. This female is actually incredibly blue though, with a lime greenish blue dorsal stripe, much more so than the other 2 axanthic plains that I have, but she is also much larger than the other two and she has really put on the blue in the last few months. I really think this snake would give any Puget a run for the best blue prize, and her belly is solid blue, but is lighter past the cloaca.
T. radix Ranch
Re: Axanthic "blue" plains female
Mr Thamnophis
Re: Axanthic "blue" plains female
Sweet!!!!! love that color!!
Juvenile snake
Re: Axanthic "blue" plains female
"PM Boots For Custom Title"
Re: Axanthic "blue" plains female
thanks guys, she really is stunning in person and she has really tamed up nicely, she was very,very aggressing and "strikey" when she was little, but with some regular handling sessions she is now a typical calm female radix, and acts like she enjoys coming out and being handled. She is possibly het for albino so if I can get her up to size in the next couple months I hope to prove that out by breeding her to an Iowa albino, should produce albinos, axanthics, and axanthic albinos.
Truieneer, e ras apoat
Re: Axanthic "blue" plains female
She looks very nice. Do you have some pictures of her in direct sunlight?
It's all about the Fuzzies
Re: Axanthic "blue" plains female
I suppose, "Gimme, gimme, gimmie!" is a bit too demanding? Really, though, what a beautiful girl! Can't wait to see what she produces! Please add me to the list of those who are interested in offspring
Oh. Because you know, it seems to me that, aside
from being a little mentally ill, she's pretty normal.
Re: Axanthic "blue" plains female
That's right Steve, she's blue because she wants to go home with me.
Holy moley that snake is gorgeous.
"Preparing For Second shed"
Re: Axanthic "blue" plains female
You know her color would come back if you stopped soaking her in ice water before a photo shoot.
Just kidding!
One of her kids would match my blue decor nicely! Let me know when she gets in "the family way." Oh yeah! And the price tag! If I start saving now maybe I'll have the purchase price and shipping fee by that time. 
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