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Thread: Non-eaters

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  1. #1
    Never shed NickeyV's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Country: United States

    Question Non-eaters

    I was just wondering can you feed egg/yolk to the baby garter snakes that just will not eat? Some of the non-eaters are starting to look really thin cause there skin is folding. Have no money right now to give them anything.

  2. #2
    Thamtographer katach's Avatar
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    Re: Non-eaters

    I wouldn't use store bought eggs. The eggs you buy in the store are full of hormones and have been there a very long time. I gave fresh from the hen egg whites to my babies once, some took, some didn't. It was neither a success nor a failure, so I only did it the one time.
    2.2 T.s.pickeringii, 0.4.7 T.ordinoides 1.1 T.marcianus 1.1 T. radix 1.0 T.s.parietalis 1.2 Pseudacris regilla

  3. #3
    Pyrondenium Rose kibakiba's Avatar
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    Re: Non-eaters

    It's not something you want to do often. Yolks are fattening, and they shouldn't eat too much of it. A little bit of it as a treat wouldn't make much difference.

    What food items have you tried? Try silversides, guppies or rosy reds before giving up on them. Keep in mind, though, rosies aren't good for a long term diet, you'll want to try to get them to eat something else after they start eating.
    2.2.3 Thamnophis ordinoides Derpy Scales, Hades, Mama, Runt, Pumpkin, Azul, Spots
    (Rest in peace Snakey, Snap, Speckles, Silver, Ember and Angel.)

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