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  1. #1
    Old and wise snake
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Country: United States

    Weird Advice Stories

    OK I know we all have them.. Weird advice People give us about the health of our scaly friends..

    Here's mine:

    Ok well there's this guy that calls me every sec I turn around.. Someday's he's totally out of it it seems then other days he ok.. Anyways he has told me he's a reptile expert then he's told me he worked for a zoo.. Calls me to see if I have anything reptiles I want to trade or adopt out.. Don't get me wrong he seems harmless but I don't trust him for the pure fact he's lied to me to many times..

    Ok so he calls me today (this morning) like the crack of dawn wakes me up he's all like you got anything? I tell him no not since I talked to him last night lol.. He's telling me that he's got a red tail that has a URI and that he's trying to make it well again.. I tell him I'm in the same boat with he little hypo I have... I (just out of curiosity as him how he's getting his red tail boa better... (OH MAN THIS IS GOOD)

    Ok he's says he swears by this.. He's rubbing Vapor Rub on each side of the snake's nose!!!!!!

    I'm trying my hardest not to snicker then laugh... but it's to much I then to his reply what? Do you put FPS 30 Sun lotion on the snake when you go outside in the sun as well?

    He then replied in all seriousness well YES ! Don't you?

    At this point I'm rolling.. To which I wake my husband up.. I shhh him and put him on speaker phone and say let me get this strait wiping my eyes because I'm crying lol I take a deep breath and say: You put vapor rub on the boa's nose for a URI and you also put sun lotion on him when you go out side?

    He says Yes..

    My husband is rolling as well making a sign like he's crazy.. The guy to say the least hung up on me after that.. I don't think he's going to call me anymore.. I really truly think the guy's tree don't go to the top branch..

    I think that goes up there with my husband's aunt telling me that if you spread pepper around your house the little black ant's you get in the spring will smell it and get in their little nose's and they can't sneeze so they blow up..
    Thanks, ~*Natalie*~

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: Weird Advice Stories

    The part about all that I find disturbing, is he has a snake.

  3. #3
    Old and wise snake
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Country: United States

    Re: Weird Advice Stories

    i doubt he does but if he does it'll come to me.. I been inching to go to his house if i see anything wrong I'll get the snake or snakes taken for him..
    Thanks, ~*Natalie*~

  4. #4
    Mr Thamnophis ssssnakeluvr's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City, Utah
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    Re: Weird Advice Stories

    oh hell!! that guy is nuts!!!! he shouldn't be allowed to breed, let alone own animals!

  5. #5
    Ophiuchus rhea drache's Avatar
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    Re: Weird Advice Stories

    that guy is clearly nuts and let's hope he doesn't keep live animals
    but your husbands aunt may be onto something
    I once got a nest of mice to evacuate after I dumped some sneezing powder into it
    and that mouse I found later on in the middle of my room was hyperventilating
    "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain

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