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Thread: You did what!

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  1. #1
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    You did what!

    I thought a good thread would be all the crazy things we've done in the name and for the sake of our snakes. Here's mine.

    I recently started a thread with regards to one of my snakes having a "crusty vent". I didn't go into detail about the treatment, well.

    I wake up to the wonderful task of rubbing cream on the little scrubs butt and then again before I go to bed. Nice!

    Just to let you know I use Silver Sulfadiazine 1% cream. I had my Vet. phone in a prescription to our local Sam's Club. The 50 grams of cream is on the $4 list of medications. Great stuff to have around for those injuries or infections these guys can sometimes get.
    Now, it's your turn.


  2. #2
    Old and wise snake
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    Re: You did what!

    Well i made the rabbit dance for izzy not only did i get a look from her that was you got to be kidding me? but also the look of go to h-e-double hockey-sticks as well as her going to far side of her cage lol all the while my husband snorting in laughter at me behind me..

    Might have not helped that when i saw her not taking the rabbit i then did the robot with the rabbit for her which i think that's why i got the go to **** look from her lmao.. and her going to the far side of the cage..
    Thanks, ~*Natalie*~

  3. #3
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: You did what!

    Administer oral antibiotics to Sky, Our Puget sound garter snake.

    First I would give him a minnow to chomp down on, then squirt the meds into his mouth through the gap created by clamping down on the fish.

    He was a real sport about this, and never musked me once

  4. #4
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: You did what!

    Then there was time time I spent 4.5 hours in my backyard and the neighbors backyards looking for a lost Radix during a thunderstorm and tornado warning. Got wet but found the snake.

  5. #5
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: You did what!

    Now that was as close to a "miraculous" recovery of a lost garter ever told.

    It's one thing to find them while still confined to the house, another thing altogether to find one under those circumstances.!!

    OK I have told this one before, but here goes again...

    When we first found Xena my Dekayi (favourite) queen and goddess, she seemed lonely, so I found her a friend.

    As fate would have it, Speedy turned out to be a male, and Xena a female... at the time I didn't know the difference, nor really cared.

    Well a few months later Xena delivered a batch of babies right before my eyes! oh I shall never forget that day....

    Anyhow one of the babies was trapped in it's birthing membrane, had wrote it off as "stillborn" but wait, this "dead" baby is moving.

    I ran to the cupboard and grabbed a toothpick, used it to peel away the membrane, and as soon as the little scrub got his first breath of air he started flicking his tongue as if to say "thank you"

    I kept him for two years, until he passed away from the deformity that should have caused his demise that day.

    He had a restriction in his neck, and could only eat very tiny portions of food, He damn near choked on me once, but Dorothy saved him that time.

    Thankfully with all that effort little "Speedy Junior" got nearly 2 years of life that was never meant to be.

    Here is the goodbye thread.
    Last edited by infernalis; 12-05-2008 at 09:32 AM.

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator aSnakeLovinBabe's Avatar
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    Re: You did what!

    Quote Originally Posted by dekaybrown View Post
    Now that was as close to a "miraculous" recovery of a lost garter ever told.

    It's one thing to find them while still confined to the house, another thing altogether to find one under those circumstances.!!

    OK I have told this one before, but here goes again...

    When we first found Xena my Dekayi (favourite) queen and goddess, she seemed lonely, so I found her a friend.

    As fate would have it, Speedy turned out to be a male, and Xena a female... at the time I didn't know the difference, nor really cared.

    Well a few months later Xena delivered a batch of babies right before my eyes! oh I shall never forget that day....

    Anyhow one of the babies was trapped in it's birthing membrane, had wrote it off as "stillborn" but wait, this "dead" baby is moving.

    I ran to the cupboard and grabbed a toothpick, used it to peel away the membrane, and as soon as the little scrub got his first breath of air he started flicking his tongue as if to say "thank you"

    I kept him for two years, until he passed away from the deformity that should have caused his demise that day.

    He had a restriction in his neck, and could only eat very tiny portions of food, He damn near choked on me once, but Dorothy saved him that time.

    Thankfully with all that effort little "Speedy Junior" got nearly 2 years of life that was never meant to be.

    Here is the goodbye thread.

    I have midwifed MANY a baby garter snake

    nothing gives me greater pleasure than to hold a tiny snake still in its sac and watch it realize it's alive, break through that sac and take their first breath ith their mouth wide open, and flick their teensy weensy tongue for the first time ever! It's an amazing expierience.
    Mother of many snakes and a beautiful baby girl! I am also a polymer clay artist!

  7. #7
    Thamnophis Addict Sid's Avatar
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    Re: You did what!

    Mine would be when I was treating a male Eastern for mites. I had placed him in a container of water to soak and got busy treating his viv. I looked in on him a few minutes later and he was "belly up". I grabbed him out of the water, started squeezing the water out of him and blowing in his mouth.

    That wat 3 or 4 years ago and I still have him.
    9.14 T. s sirtalis, 2.2. T. ordinoides, 1.1 T. e vagrans, 1.1 T. s parietalis,
    1.0 T. s sackenii- Peninsular Ribbon

  8. #8
    Ophiuchus rhea drache's Avatar
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    Re: You did what!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sid View Post
    Mine would be when I was treating a male Eastern for mites. I had placed him in a container of water to soak and got busy treating his viv. I looked in on him a few minutes later and he was "belly up". I grabbed him out of the water, started squeezing the water out of him and blowing in his mouth.

    That wat 3 or 4 years ago and I still have him.
    that's one story I'll never forget, and I do tell people I know someone who did mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on a snake
    "you cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus" Mark Twain

  9. #9
    T. radix Ranch guidofatherof5's Avatar
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    Re: You did what!

    Wayne, The snake was our girl Lucky. When I found her she was cold and wet. She looked at me like "where have you been, take me inside. This sucks!" That's why we call her "Lucky"

  10. #10
    Forum Moderator infernalis's Avatar
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    Re: You did what!

    I was going to ask if it was "Lucky"

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